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When should I consider having a tooth extracted?
Man smiling after a successful tooth extraction

In most cases, it’s preferable to repair a damaged or decayed tooth than to extract it.  Original tooth structure rooted in the jaw helps to maintain bone density and the alignment of the surrounding teeth.

However, there are situations in which the tooth has been damaged or decayed to the extent where extraction is necessary to prevent infection or eliminate pain from an exposed nerve.

After a tooth is extracted, what options do I have for replacing it?

There are several options available for replacing an extracted tooth.  The most permanent and effective replacement is a dental implant.  Dental implants simulate a real tooth by being embedded directly into the jaw bone, encouraging the maintenance of both bone and tooth structure in the mouth.

Other alternatives include a partial denture (removable) or a bridge (not removable).  Schedule a free consultation and we’d be happy to review the available options with you.

Will my insurance cover a tooth extraction?

Coverage will vary from policy to policy, but most plans will partially or fully cover dental extractions.  We can confirm your coverage when you come in for an appointment or free consultation.

This Page Has 18 Questions

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  1. Hello, I was wondering how much it would cost to have 2 teeth extracted? I do not have insurance? Please let me know. Thank you

    1. Hi Tammy, the cost of extraction will vary greatly with the complexity of each case. You will need to book an appointment with your dentist to have them assess your teeth and provide an accurate quote.

    1. Hi Jaspreet, our clinic does not currently provide general anesthesia services. There are a few specialists we work with that are certified to perform general anesthesia and could better answer your questions around the potential risks. Feel free to email us at for their contact information.

    1. Hi Andy, patients 18 years of age or older have the right to refuse any treatment that is proposed by a dentist. Conversely, dentists also have the right to refuse treatment under conditions they deem unsafe for the patient.

  2. Hi doc, my teeth was extracted yesterday because i have a tooth abcess but my problem was still here doc, when the tooth abcess occured my jaw and neck was affected. My dentist prescribed antibiotics for the swollen neck that i have. May i know doc if the pus in my neck will be removed by my antibiotics? She gave me a high dose of cefalixin, I am worried the pus won’t come out doc because it’s hard to open my mouth, my jaw is hurting and i can’t swallow properly. Hoping for your reply. Thanks

    1. Hi Crizel, different people respond differently to antibiotics, but it typically takes a few days for oral antibiotics to take effect. Unfortunately, the severity of an infection isn’t something that can be assessed without a physical examination so you’ll need to discuss your situation with your dentist. If you are experiencing difficulty breathing or if the infection has reached your eyes, go to an emergency clinic immediately to get antibiotics through IV.

  3. i had my first lower molar tooth pulled a month ago. Ive been wondering why it isnt healed yet. in these 4 weeks it really doesnt hurt but these past few it just suddenly ache i dont know why

    1. Hi Julius, unfortunately, I can’t assess how your extraction site is healing without a physical exam and x-ray of the area. Do the teeth around the extraction area have any large cavities or gum disease that could be causing the pain? Do you have any medical condition that may have caused delayed healing? Please contact your dentist for a followup appointment to determine the cause of the pain. If your regular dentist is closed due to the COVID-19 outbreak, you may be able to find an emergency dentist that’s taking patients in your area.

      1. Hi doctor, I recently got my upper premolar extracted/ pulled out with local anesthetic 3 days ago today. It’s been healing well and no problems at all. My question is, I know not to smoke as it can dislodge the blood clot, I don’t smoke tabaco but I smoke canabis. I was wondering if I could consume Canabis edibles instead of smoking? Will the cotton mouth cause dry socket. I’m very scared of dry socket

        1. Hi Saluo, if there are no issues three days after a simple tooth extraction, the risk of subsequently developing dry socket is typically low. However, in cases where the extraction was difficult, if you have a medical condition that could delay healing, or if you have had a history of dry socket, you may still be at elevated risk for dry socket. You will be in the clear once the gum completely covers the extraction socket.  In theory, cannabis edibles should carry lower risk of dry socket than smoking cannabis. However, if the “cotton mouth” feeling inadvertently causes you to irritate the extraction site, you may want to wait until you get the green light from your dentist at your post-op checkup appointment. 

  4. What is the best treatment for external tooth resorption based on current academic journals? I’ve seen both talks of extraction as the only solution with possibly root canal?

    1. Hi Victoria, according to the 2015 Cochrane Systematic Review of the Intervention for the Management of External root resorption, “treatment is generally on a case‐by‐case basis and there is a lack of evidence regarding the best treatments.”

      Treatment for external root resorption depends on many factors, such as how extensive the resorption is, if there is any pain and infection, where the resorption is along the root, the age of the person, and gum conditions.

      If the external resorption is due to braces, and there is no pain or discomfort, the teeth can be stabilized with wire retainer or other means of splinting. Sometimes root canal treatment combined with surgery to remove the granulation tissue (scar tissue) in the defective area and filling of the resorptive defect may be required. In some cases where the resorption is too extensive, the teeth cannot be saved.

      Please see the article below for reference,

  5. Hi, I was looking for a bit of advice,
    I was diagnosed with dry socket and a infection in my upper back tooth. The dentist flushed out the socket and packed it with gauze soaked in clove oil. He said it will just dissolve on its own. He also prescribed me 200mg of metronidazole 3 x per day for 5 days.
    I’m worried about eating and drinking with the gauze incase it comes out of the hole. Is it also safe to swill my mouth. Will it heal? I’m just so worried about all of this, any advice would be appreciated


    1. Hi Joanne, if your dentist didn’t warn you not to eat, drink or rinse, then there’s likely no need to avoid those activities. If material that your dentist packed in the dry socket is the dissolvable kind, it usually dissolves soon after delivery. Continue antibiotics as prescribed by your dentist and things should start improving in a few days.

  6. I recently had all my teeth extractions on the 24th I am experiencing bone showing through my gums, this is normal but how long till it grows over? There is no pain. just discomfort.

    1. Hi James, how fast an extraction site heals depends on many factors such as how difficult the extraction was, and how well your body heals. If you have medical conditions such as diabetes or osteoporosis, your healing could be slower than others. On average, it could take anywhere between 2-4 weeks. Please discuss with your dentist to find out how your extraction site is healing.

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