Dentures, also known as false teeth, are prosthetic devices constructed to replace missing teeth. They are supported by the surrounding soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity. Conventional dentures are removable (removable partial denture or complete denture). However, there are many different denture designs, some of which rely on clasping onto teeth or dental implants.
If you have lost teeth, you can consider dentures for a number of reasons:
- To help with chewing food: Chewing ability is improved with dentures
- To help with facial aesthetics: The presence of teeth gives a natural appearance to the face; wearing a denture to replace missing teeth provides support for the lips and cheeks and corrects the collapsed appearance that results from the loss of teeth
- To help with speech: Replacing missing teeth, especially the anteriors, enables patients to speak more clearly
- To help with self-esteem: Improved looks and speech boost confidence in the ability to interact socially
Bridges and implants are the most common alternatives to dentures.
In most cases, dental implants will be preferable to dentures for replacing missing teeth because they provide better chewing force, and can prevent bone loss in the jaw.
Bridges can only be used as a replacement for dentures if there are enough healthy teeth in the surrounding area to anchor the missing tooth. If most of the original tooth structure is lost, a bridge can only be used if some of the missing teeth are replaced with dental implants, which can then serve as support for the bridge.
When you have been fitted with a new denture, there is a period of adjustment when it is especially important to visit your dentist so that he or she may make minor modifications until your denture fits comfortably. It is natural for the bone and tissue beneath the denture to change over time, so periodic adjustments and relining are important for continued good fit and to protect the health of the underlying bone and tissue. Implants used to support dentures need to be inspected yearly by x-ray, and attachments to implants need to be cleaned periodically.
Plaque will form on your dentures and attachments to implants that support the dentures and food can get trapped between the dentures and your gum tissue. After each meal, remove your dentures and, using a soft toothbrush, brush the implant attachment, your gums, your tongue, and all sides of the denture. Take your denture out at night and be sure to store it in a denture bath filled with denture cleaner or water.
Dentures are fragile and can break if dropped. It is a good idea to clean your dentures over a sink filled with water. Denture adhesive may be used to assist in the retention of your denture, but should not be used with a poorly fitting denture. Poorly fitting dentures should be relined or replaced.
I am 61yrs old and have only 2 teeth left in my upper mouth.
My cheeks have sagged because of the missing teeth.
I have no insurance and have been putting this off because I can’t afford an expensive treatment.
Do you offer an affordable payment option on dentures?
My location is Bathurst and 16th Ave,so you are really close by.
Hopefully you can help me,I am really becoming self conscious about my facial appearance and lack of smiling around workers and others,not to mention my inability to chew my food properly.
Hi Andrew, we can definitely help you with your concerns. We’ll contact you directly to answer some of your questions about dentures. Thanks for reaching out!
Is there an adhesive or glue that I can use to glue my upper denture to my mouth for a day or two? My problem is I salivate when I smell or taste good food and my denture gets wiggly making it hard to eat. The rest of the time my denture fits snug. I’m considering super glue s it is used in wound care and does wear off in a few days.
Hi Maya, there are many different types and brands of adhesive glue for your denture. Some adhesives are paste, some are powders, and some are adhesive pads. Some of the popular brands are Fixodent, Poligrip and Seabond. You may have to try out different types and brands to see what works best for you, both in terms of taste and feel. Also consider talking to you dentist regarding implant supported denture and implant supported bridge to see if they are an option for you.
I have left only in front teeth in my mouth. I am 69 years old. I am looking for good one dentures on up and down.
How long it will takes to do it?
How much it will cost?
Hi Margarita, the cost of a set of dentures and the amount of time it takes to make them depend on the type of dentures you need. If your front teeth are in good shape, we can potentially use them as supporting teeth for partial dentures. If not, you may be looking at a set of full dentures. In general, you will need 2-4 appointments to have a set of dentures made and some type of dentures may take up to 3-4 weeks to make. Feel free to contact us at 905-707-8008 or info@bcdentalcare.ca to book an exam so we can assist you further!
Hello Dr. Qin Li!
I am 17 years old. Had a bicycle accident. I fell directly on my two front teeth, luckily I was wearing braces so the impact was kinda absorbed. I was 3 days into coma. When I woke up I noticed my teeth. My two front teeth are shaking and are longer than the others. They fell down and are barely holding on. Can I get dentures only for the two front teeth at this age?
Thank you for your time and effort!
Hi Darko, yes, if you cannot save those teeth, then you can get a partial denture for only the two front teeth until your jaw bone has developed and and is ready for implants. Try to see a dentist as soon as possible to see if you can temporarily splint the front teeth with the other teeth for as long as possible.
My dentist made groves in my teeth to anchor a partial. When it was fitted it was almost impossible for him to remove it. He then filled off the anchors on the plate so it could be removed easier. Now there is a very slight rocking. How can this be remedied
Hi Dave, unfortunately it’s not possible give you advice on the rocking without seeing the denture and the anchoring teeth. Maybe there is a high point on the denture that is pivoting on the teeth; if that’s the case, the high point can be smoothed to reduce the problem. It may also be due to a lack of anchorage since the anchors were filed off, which could be a little trickier to fix. It would be best to discuss your concerns with your dentist.
I have a 4 year old upper partial denture and its pink acrylic has “thinned out” considerably over the years to the point where I feel it has become weak and will break in half soon. Have called dental offices and all want me to come in for X-rays and a consult. I have a plethora of periodontics issues that I can’t afford to deal with; all I want is to strengthen my partial plate DIY. Can I buy a product online that will build up the area that has become thin? Inside the denture where it contacts my gums.
Hi Pat, I am not aware of any DIY product for rebuilding denture acrylic. Have you tried explaining your financial situation at your dental office to see if they have any option to help you with the exam fee? Is there any denturist in your area who may be able to strengthen your denture without examining your teeth? You could also try calling any dental labs in your area to see if they have any recommendations.
Please can you advise? I have advanced gum disease caused by taking Amlodipine 10mg. Teeth will need to be extracted. My front top and bottom teeth protrude and have caused embarrassment and lack of confidence all of my life. Can Dentures be straight – no protrusion and without the gap between upper and lower teeth?
Thank you
Hi Julie, your denture teeth do not have to look like your current teeth. If you are getting a set of full dentures, the dentist and the dental laboratory technician can place the teeth on your denture so they appear more aesthetically pleasing. Please let your dentist know of your concerns and expectations when planning your new dentures.
I have a denture but there’s have a tooth removed and mydl denture its a bit loose to my gums,PLEASE help me.
Do you offer an affordable option payment for my denture?caused I can’t afford the expensive for new denture.
Thank you
Hi Mhey, a new denture may or may not help with the issue of your denture being loose. It mostly depends on how many remaining teeth you have, and if the remaining teeth are good supporting teeth for your denture. Without an exam, I cannot tell you if you need a new denture, or just a repair to your existing denture, or if denture adhesive can help with the retention of your denture to your gum.
If you are having financial difficulties for a new denture, Ontario offers some programs for low income families to help with dental work. If you live close to the area, you can also contact the University of Toronto Dentistry Department; they offer dental work at deeply discounted rates and may be able to offer payment plans. See the websites below for more information.