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What is Dental Bonding?
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Dental bonding is a procedure in which a dentist applies a tooth-coloured resin to a tooth and cures it with visible, blue light. This ultimately “bonds” the material to the tooth and improves the overall appearance of teeth.

What kind of improvement can dental bonding have on my teeth?

Dental bonding can be used to repair a decayed, chipped, fractured or discoloured tooth.  It can also be used to make teeth appear longer or wider, creating the appearance of a reduced gap between teeth.

Will my insurance cover dental bonding?

Coverage will vary from policy to policy.  Schedule a free consultation and we can help you determine what is covered by your policy.

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This Page Has 4 Questions

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  1. I have a chopped tooth and based on some knowledge I had before that a dentist can put back a chopped tooth if the patient saves it in milk , and also a tooth can be transplanted from a donor to a patient . Does that mean if I find a donor can a dentist fix my chopped tooth with a part from the donors tooth ?

    1. Hi Alex, my understanding is that you chipped a part of a tooth, not the whole tooth, and you are wondering if it can be repaired by using someone else’s tooth.

      A chipped tooth can be repaired in different ways depending on the extent of the damage. A small chip is usually repaired with a filling and a bigger chip sometimes repaired with a dental crown. Sometimes we can re-bond the chipped portion back to the tooth, but the re-bonded chipped portion may darken over time. Using a donor’s tooth to repair a chipped tooth isn’t typically done because finding a donor is difficult, using a donor tooth is difficult, and fillings and crowns are typically more colour-stable over time.

      If a whole tooth including the entire root is knocked out of the mouth and the root is not damaged, we can sometimes put the entire tooth back in the mouth, stabilize it with a splint and the root may reattach itself to the surrounding tissue. There is research currently being done on regrowing teeth from stem cells. In the meantime, dental implants are a predictable and durable option.

  2. Tooth 32 – the tip is slightly chipped straight across and therefore does not align with the other teeth. It needs fixing with white composite material. I am wondering is this for billing purposes would be classified as a 1, 2, 3, or 4 surface procedure.

    Also would freezing be necessary and if so does this cost extra.


    1. Hi Keith,
      I would really need to see the extent of the chip first before I can give you a more accurate idea of how many surfaces are involved in the composite filling. It is also important to see how the upper and lower teeth bite together before a treatment plan is finalized. Freezing may not be necessary but it really depends on how sensitive the tooth is and what your comfort level is. Freezing will not cost extra. Please call our office at 905-707-8008 or email us at to set up an appointment. Thank you.

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