Same-day appointments available most days and plentiful parking make it easy to get the help you need.
Our staff’s extensive experience with children, a play area in the waiting room and ceiling-mounted TVs with Netflix Kids take the worry out of your child’s visit.
Our doctors are certified in Six Month Smiles, Invisialign and Biohorizons dental implants. Invest in a priceless asset: your smile!
Our Services
A beautiful smile can build confidence and create a great first impression. Let us help you achieve a naturally confident smile with our exceptional preventive and cosmetic dental services.
Dental Care
Smile Enhancement
Actual Patient Reviews
I had my checkup, cleaning, and x-rays done by Dr. Li. She did a great job and was very thorough, patient and easy to talk to. The office was bright and clean, TV on the ceiling was a nice touch, helped to pass the time.
Modern office, with fully capable and trained young professionals. Each room is equipped with a TV to the ceiling that helps to pass the time while your teeth are getting cleaned/looked at.
Hours are very flexible with evening appointments.
Location is not ideal, making it a bit of a challenge to get to though especially during inclement weather.
Dr. Li and the hygienist team at BC Dental are amazing. They’re are quick at booking appointments and thorough in their cleanings, assessments, and check up appointments.
Very comfortable and beautiful clinic and I feel comfortable expressing my concerns to Dr. Li as she always addresses them.
I would highly recommend this clinic!